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Visit us or get in touch below

Delhi Golf Course

The Delhi Golf Club

Delhi Golf Club, Dr Zakir Hussain Road, New Delhi, South Delhi, Delhi, 110003

+91 011-24307100 , +91 011-24362235 & +91 011-24360002

+91  7011641945


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    Exten. Department Exten. Department
    110 Captain 600 President
    111 Secretary
    200 Financial Controller
    500 Sr. Manager Hospitality Services 300 Course Superintendent
    605 Sr. Manager (IT) 450 Sr. Manager-Golf Operations
    502 Sr. Manager HR 601 Marketing
    608 Billing/Mem.Query 609 Billing/Mem.Query-
    610 Billing/Mem. Query 603 Liaison Officer
    112 Office Front Desk 624 Secretariat
    201 Sr. Manager Accounts 202 Dy. Manager Accounts
    203 Asst. Manager Accounts 206 Cashier
    209 Green Fee Counter 455 Caddy Master
    451 Tee No.1 453 Tee No.10
    456 PDR 613 Dispatch
    150 Lady Captain 313 Ladies Section/Change Room
    312 Change Room-Men 307 MAX-Clinic
    618 Main Store 625 Course Store
    505 Annexe 509 Main Bar
    507 PUB 510 Party Room
    314 Fitness Training Centre 315 Swimming Pool
    302 Maint. Executive 310 Pro-shop
    308 Gate-1-Security Guard 309 Gate-2-Security Guard